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The concept of high planimetry of a pavement is associated with its degree of flatness. This property has a direct impact on the operation of the activity that takes place on the pavement. Ensuring proper floor flatness is essential to maintaining safety and efficiency in industrial environments.

It is in those industrial sectors in which the storage of products at great heights is where the surface regularity of a pavement becomes more relevant. In warehouses, maintaining optimal concrete floor flatness is crucial to prevent operational disruptions and ensure the stability of stored goods.

Transport and cargo equipment (AGV, LGV, AMR, trilateral VNA) need surfaces that meet planimetry requirements, allowing the transit of machines and their work at height without the forklift or the merchandise suffering damage due to displacement of load, falls, or shocks. Inadequate floor flatness can lead to vibrations and misalignments that compromise the precision and safety of automated handling systems.

alta planimetria almacenamiento vertical

In any industrial activity with storage at height, it is essential to provide special conditions for the flatness of the pavement that allow the correct transit and movement for which the installation has been designed.

Concrete floor flatness directly affects the performance of forklifts and other warehouse equipment, making it a key factor in the design and maintenance of logistics facilities.

alta planimetria pasillos estrechos

Although a perfectly flat surface is impossible to achieve, surface regularity can be considerably improved so that traffic on the surface of the concrete pavement does not present longitudinal or transversal stability problems. Proper control of floor flatness minimizes irregularities that could lead to safety hazards in warehouse operations.

A poor leveling, both transversal and longitudinal, can cause the appearance of dynamic forces that imply the movement or fall of the load, or the collision with the racks when we talk about areas with guided traffic. In high-density storage warehouses, inadequate concrete floor flatness increases the risk of accidents and damages to both goods and infrastructure.

Depending on the use of the pavement, a distinction can be made between free traffic areas and guided traffic areas (narrow aisles), the latter being more critical since, in addition to the displacement of loads, impacts of the mast of the forklifts with the racks, this point being more critical the higher the working height. For warehouses with very narrow aisles (VNA), achieving and maintaining precise floor flatness is fundamental to ensuring the smooth operation of guided vehicle systems.

There are multiple standards that define the requirements for vertical storage at high altitudes: DIN 15185, TR34, VDMA, ASTM, DIN 18202, EN15620, F numbers…

At DUROTEC we have specific state-of-the-art machinery for measuring and leveling concrete pavements. We treat concrete pavements adjusting them to the current most restrictive standards. We also have extensive experience in the application of densifiers, sealants and joint repair products that provide a perfect finish to the pavement.


The factors for calculating the price of high planimetry work depend on the required regulations, the type of use (narrow aisles or free movement), the height of the storage racks and, of course, the state of the floor. The finish of the concrete that the client wishes also influences.

If you need more information, send us your information through the form that you will find in the contact tab.


DUROTEC-GLASSTONE S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “DESARROLLO DE PRODUCTO INTEGRAL PARA EL TRATA-MIENTO ECO – SOSTENIBLE Y PROTECCIÓN FRENTE A AGENTES QUÍMICOS DE PA-VIMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20230298, a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2021 – 2027.

El objetivo general del proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una tecnología ecosostenible e integral para el tratamiento de las superficies de hormigón en estado fresco que sea capaz de realizar de forma simultánea la densificación, el curado y la protección del hormigón. Asimismo, durante la ejecución, se cuenta con la colaboración de la entidad TESELA, Materiales, Innovación y Patrimonio S.L.

El proyecto se desarrolla en las instalaciones de Andalucía en el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2022 y septiembre 2024, y con un presupuesto total de ejecución de 435.245€.

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