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Smooter Floors, Shinier Floors

Polished concrete is one of the most profitable options not only for companies when renovating their facilities, but also when building new ones.

Basically because it allows you to have a more durable floor, ideal for offering a good image of your business while saving money.

What is a polished concrete floor?

Concrete is a material composed of cement, aggregate and water.

When talking about polished concrete, one usually thinks of a troweled concrete screed with a quartz surface layer, and polished or semi-polished finishes.

DUROTEC is a few steps ahead improving the traditional POLISHED CONCRETE.

For us, the job of polished concrete is the result of the combination of chemical (densification) and mechanical (polishing) jobs, on a troweled concrete pavement, whether in a new, existing or deteriorated state, extending the useful life of the floor and improving its properties after being treated.


This phase leaves the surface more polished and adds further benefits to the chemical densification phase.

It consists of a sequence of steps using diamond tools to mechanically close the surface porosity of the concrete, which will vary depending on the state of the ground: new, existing or deteriorated.


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Greater resistance of polished surfaces

The mechanical process with diamond tools and the effect of the chemical densifier used throughout the process, contribute to the closure of the pore of the entire surface, achieving an increase in abrasion resistance of up to 400% and impact resistance of up to twenty%. The result is a very resistant and durable floor that can withstand blows, marks or scratches, maintaining perfect condition for many years.
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Increased light reflection and energy savings

By leaving the surface more polished and flat, light reflection increases by up to 30%, thus reducing the need for light and leading to energy savings.
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Improves the aesthetics and image of the pavement and the client's facilities

A mechanically polished floor will increase the shine obtained. Also, if you prefer, you can opt for a semi-polished concrete floor, which will have less shine.
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Improves and facilitates cleaning

By leaving the pore more closed, it reduces the space where environmental contaminants, tire marks in turns and braking are deposited, making it easier and cheaper to keep clean.
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Savings in maintenance

Maintenance consists of cleaning properly and with the right product, but not in periodically reapplying the treatment, with business activity stops and cost overruns.

Polished concrete is a commitment to quality and durability for the industrial sector, warehouses, platforms and logistics centers, factories or data processing centers (CPD). This is due to the fact that, on these surfaces with great extension and traffic, the advantages provided by a polished floor are very important.

There are so many options and reasons, but the decision is simple. A treated and densified concrete pavement outperforms the competition in terms of long-term results and cost savings, making it the best economic investment.

Densifying and treating your pavement properly means doing the job right once from birth and getting results for a lifetime.


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One of the issues that customers ask when choosing a floor finish is the price of polished concrete.

In this aspect, there is no fixed price, since it depends on many factors.

The main factor will be the state of the concrete: new, existing or deteriorated.

Another will be the size of the facilities, as it will vary if it is large.

And finally, the level of finish of the concrete that the client wants according to needs and use.

The truth is that, although the price of the finish in euros per m2 is higher than that of a troweled concrete or conventional, untreated concrete, in the long term it means savings in the facilities, for multiple reasons, such as cleaning and maintenance, energy , repairs, costs of reapplications, and stops of business activity.

If you have an industrial flooring and need more information, send us your information through the form that you will find in the tab.


DUROTEC-GLASSTONE S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “DESARROLLO DE PRODUCTO INTEGRAL PARA EL TRATA-MIENTO ECO – SOSTENIBLE Y PROTECCIÓN FRENTE A AGENTES QUÍMICOS DE PA-VIMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20230298, a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2021 – 2027.

El objetivo general del proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una tecnología ecosostenible e integral para el tratamiento de las superficies de hormigón en estado fresco que sea capaz de realizar de forma simultánea la densificación, el curado y la protección del hormigón. Asimismo, durante la ejecución, se cuenta con la colaboración de la entidad TESELA, Materiales, Innovación y Patrimonio S.L.

El proyecto se desarrolla en las instalaciones de Andalucía en el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2022 y septiembre 2024, y con un presupuesto total de ejecución de 435.245€.

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